Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is it Possible?

Another year has flown by! I've decided that it's not our getting older that makes time seem to fly by faster, but rather our inability to slow down and relax.

Here I am sitting at the Wired Monk in South Surrey writing a blog, answering emails and checking office messages. Shari is sitting at a different table researching her next Blog topic due on Friday. Yes it's a work day and I'm fortunate to be able to work away from the office, but I often find myself working longer hours and often seven days a week because everything is at our finger tips.

Of course any of us who are involved in any type of service industry (or in my case the camping industry) know the importance these days of staying in touch and being available to our campers, staff, donors, friends and family of Green Bay Bible Camp.

So how do we balance all of this, work, family, hobbies, and oh yes spiritual growth!
At this point many people have some pretty good answers...not me, not right now. What I do know is that I enjoy my job, family and friends. I enjoy my many coffees throughout the week promoting Green Bay. I enjoy my early morning meetings 5 days of the week as well as my involvement in Rotary. I enjoy the Green Bay full time Staff ( and summer staff ) and our corporate desire to serve and improve the Green Bay Bible Camp experience for all our campers. I enjoy seeing life changing decisions made during the summer and during the rental season here at Green Bay, and playing a small part in this tremendous ministry.

I also know something else...if it wasn't for my wife and kids helping me to slow down and take some time off to relax, I would not be able to do my job well. So to all of you that keep reminding me, often to no avail--Shari my wife, Kirsten and Danny, Matt and Melissa, David and Bethany...and oh yes my two gran-kids Jake and Laine... a huge thank you.

Keep up the good work! I need all of you.


mamak said...

glad we can help dad! you do the same for us though every time you come over... force me to leave the cleaning, the housework etc. and relax. thanks! :)

Monte Vigh said...

My wife runs a daycare in our home (I am her assistant), and we take care of three home churches in three different communities. The challenge of what to do with our time is familiar.

I don't want this to sound trite, but here is a tried and tested way to always "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness": start every day with enough time in the word of God and prayer that we can hear what God is telling us and submit ourselves to join him in his work. When we set out to put into practice whatever God taught us that very day, all the other requirements fall into place. It might not be "easy", but it really is that simple.
