Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Try saying that word 10 times a day for a month and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Is it just me or does the word routine itself sound boring and monotonous. Isn't that often what routine is, things we sometimes do for no apparent reason that lack excitement, lack that adrenaline rush that we often seem to crave. Even worse, we start enjoying our lackluster lives resigning ourselves to the fact that life is one big "Routine". There are times of course where we get a bit of a jolt that wakes us up out of our slumber for a minute, day or even a week! Maybe it was a movie we saw, a motivational speaker we heard or a great Sunday sermon...yes it happens!!! But we tend to loose that edge pretty quickly because passion, drive and rekindled vision takes its toll on our ability to sit back and fall into our comfortable routine.

I enjoy reading the obituaries, and I know I'm not the only one. I know some of you might think it's morbid, but for me reading obituaries motivates and shakes me out of my comfortable routine-type life. If I need a kick start, Iwhy look any further than the obituary column of the local paper? Because somebody else's zest or lack of zest for life is defined right there in those short paragraphs.

You get a quick sense of someone who lived life to the fullest ... or someone who didn't. You can tell if that person was loved and admired or just put up with, if he made a lasting effect on friends and family or is already almost forgotten.

So here's my challenge to you. Spend some time writing your own obituary column. What would people say about you, what can you say about yourself? You might find that you're not living the kind of life you expected to live, or even the one you might have thought you were living.

Now is the time to change things if that's you. Don't wait for life to change you; you change your life. Take the bull by the horns and and don't look back.

If you were to be called home today, what would be your legacy?